Qishan Minjiang Scholar/Associate Professor/
2001.09-2005.06 Nanjing University of Science and Technology
2005.09-2010.07 Nanjing University of Science and
2009.05-2009.11 Monash University Australia Visitor
2015.08-2016.08 Queensland University Australia Visitor
Specialty of graduate students recruiting:Physical Chemistry;Materials
E-mail: cxu@fzu.edu.cn
Research Field
1. Carbonaceous-based Materials
2. Membranes Assembly
3. Environmental Photocatalysis and Purification
Representative Publications
1. Chao Xu, Xin Wang*, Junwu Zhu, Graphene-metal
particle nanocomposites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008, 112, 19841-19845.
2. Chao Xu, Xin
Wang*, Fabrication
of Flexible Metal-Nanoparticle Films Using Graphene Oxide Sheets as Substrates, Small,2009, 5, 2212–2217.
3. Chao
Xu, Xiaodong Wu, Junwu Zhu, Xin Wang*, Synthesis
of amphiphilic graphite oxide. Carbon 2008, 46, 386-389.
4. Chao
Xu, Xin Wang*, Junwu Zhu, Xujie Yang, Lude Lu, Deposition of Co3O4 nanoparticles onto the
exfoliated graphite oxide sheets. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2008, 18, 5625-5629.
5. Chao
Xu*, Chen Wang, Xiaoping He, Miaoqiang Lyu, Songcan Wang,Lianzhou Wang*.Processable graphene oxide-embedded
titanate nanofiber membranes with improved filtration performance. J. Hazard. Mater. 2017, 325. 214–222.
6. Chao Xu*,Jiaoli Zhu, Rusheng Yuan, Xianzhi Fu. More
effective use of graphene in photocatalysis by conformal attachment of small
sheets to TiO2 spheres. Carbon 2016,96 394-402.
7. Chao Xu*,
Yuelian Xu; Jiaoli Zhu. Photocatalytic
antifouling graphene oxide-mediated hierarchical
filtration membranes with potential applications on water purification. ACS Appl. Mat. Interfaces 2014, 6 , 16117-16123.
8. Chao Xu*, Aiju Cui, Yuelian Xu and Xianzhi Fu. Graphene oxide-TiO2 composite filtration membranes and their
potential application for water purification.Carbon, 2013, 62, 465-471.
9. Chao Xu*, Zhixin
Chen, Xianzhi Fu. Graphene
oxide-mediated formation of freestanding, thickness controllable metal oxide
films. Journal of Materials
Chemistry, 2011, 21, 12889–12893.