Title:New approach of pathology study in clinical research by using imaging mass spectrometry
Speaker:Yuki Hashi, (Ph.D.)
Shimadzu (China) Co., Ltd.
Shimadzu Global COE for Application & Technical Development
General Manager, Chief Scientist
Location: Room 413, Jiaxi Building
Time: 10:00 AM,Dec 1,2015
Dr. Hashi graduated from Dept. of Chemistry, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan in 1986. At the same year, he joined Shimadzu Corporation, analytical instrument division to develop HPLC instrument especially electrochemical detector and column packing materials for protein analyses. In 1994, he moved to Shimadzu Singapore as an application manager for chromatography instruments to take care of the customers in South-East Asia as well as south Asia countries. His major area of interest is development of new application system using LC, GC, LCMS and GCMS for the enhancement of analysis efficiency. Based on this research work, he has received a Ph.D. degree fromResearch Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, The Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009. He is developing new analytical methods with Chromatographic system extensively in the various fields such as food safety, environmental, pharmaceutical and life science (genomics and proteomics). Beside his research work, he is also actively providing the lecture of basic instrumentation in university, and contributing his papers to some technical conferences. Currently, he is a guest professor of Wuhan University, Beijing University Chemical Technology and Southwest University.