Ping Liu
Professor/ PhD Candidate Supervisor
Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences PhD
Specialty of graduate students recruiting:Inorganic Chemistry;Physical Chemistry
Research Field
2.Inorganic Mineral
3.Environmental Protection
Academic Posts
Photochemical professional committee of China renewable energy society Commissioner
Fujian Provincial Ceramic Society vice chairman
Representative Publications
Pei, Z.; Ding, L.; Lu, M.; Fan, Z.; Weng, S.; Hu, J.; Liu, P.*, Synergistic Effect in Polyaniline-Hybrid Defective ZnO with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity and Stability. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118, 9570-9577.
Pei, Z.; Ding, L.; Feng, W.; Weng, S.; Liu, P. *, Defect Self-Doped TiO2 for Visible Light Activity and Direct Noble Metal Anchoring. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 2014, 16, 21876-21881.
Lu, M.; Pei, Z.; Weng, S.; Feng, W.; Fang, Z.; Zheng, Z.; Huang, M.; Liu, P. *, Constructing Atomic Layer G-C3N4-CdS Nanoheterojunctions with Efficiently Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic Activity. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 2014, 16, 21280-21288.
Huang, M.; Yan, Y.; Feng, W.; Weng, S.; Zheng, Z.; Fu, X.; Liu, P. *, Controllable Tuning Various Ratios of ZnO Polar Facets by Crystal Seed-Assisted Growth and Their Photocatalytic Activity. Crystal Growth & Design, 2014, 14, 2179-2186.
Hu, J.; Weng, S.; Zheng, Z.; Pei, Z.; Huang, M.; Liu, P. *, Solvents Mediated-Synthesis of BiOI Photocatalysts with Tunable Morphologies and Their Visible-Light Driven Photocatalytic Performances in Removing of Arsenic from Water. J Hazard Mater, 2014, 264, 293-302.