Xiaoping Wu
Professor/ PhD Candidate Supervisor
Fuzhou University Bachelor
Fuzhou University Master
Fuzhou University PhD
Fudan University/ Unimicrotech; VUB Postdoctor
Specialty of graduate students recruiting:Analytical Chemistry; Pharmaceutical Analysis; Food Safety Analysis
Research Field
1、Capillary electrochromatography and hyphenated technique
2、Electrochemical biosensors
3、Foodsafety analysis and environmental analysis
Representative Publications
1、Amphotericin B Ion Channel Mimetic Sensor: A New Type of Potassium-Selective Sensor Based on Electrode-Supported Hybrid Bilayer Membranes, Electrochim. Acta, 2012,73,78-85.
2、Pressurized capillary electrochromatography with indirect amperometric detection for analysis of organophosphorus pesticide residues, Analyst, 2010, 135, 2150-2156
3、β-cyclodextrin non-covalently modified ionic liquid-based carbon paste electrode as a novel voltammetric sensor for specific detection of bisphenol A,Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical,2013, 186, 648–656
4、A novel sensitive biosensor for Ca2+ based on electropolymerized melatonin modified electrode,Electrochem. Commun.,2009, 11,393-396
5、Pressurized capillary electrochromatography with amperometric detection using mixed-mode monolithic column for rapid analysis of chlorophenols and phenol,Electrophoresis,2013, 34,2049-2057