Jingwei Shao
Professor/ Master Candidate Supervisor
Dalian Polytechnic University Bachelor
Shenyang Agricultural University Master
Shenyang Agricultural University PhD
Graduate programs: Biochemical Engineering;Pharmaceutics
E-mail: shaojingwei@fzu.edu.cn
TEL: 0591-87509185
Research Field
1. Anti-cancer drug research and development
2. Tumor pharmacology
3. Nanomedicine
Professional Memberships
Committee member, Drug Design and Development Section committee, AAPS, U.S.A
Member, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), U.S.A
Committee, Fujian Pharmacological Society, China
Representative Publications
1. The architecture and biological function of dual antibody-coated dendrimers: enhanced control of circulating tumor cells and their hetero-adhesion to endothelial cells for metastasis prevention. Theranostics, 2014, 4:1250-1263.
2. Synergism of ursolic acid derivative US597 with 2-deoxy-d-glucose to preferentially induce tumor cell death by dual-targeting of apoptosis and glycolysis, Sci. Rep., 2014, 4: 5006.
3. Potential serious interactions between nutraceutical ginseng and warfarin in patients with ischemic stroke. Trends Pharmcol. Sci., 2013, 34:85-86.
4. Intracellular distribution and mechanisms of actions of photosensitizer Zinc (II)-phthalocyanine solubilized in Cremophor EL against human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells. Cancer Lett., 2013, 330: 49-56.
5. In vitro and in vivo anticancer activity evaluation of ursolic acid derivatives. Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2011, 46: 2652-2661.