Yao-Feng Yuan
Professor/PhD Candidate Supervisor/Vice President of College of chemistry
Yanan University Bachelor
Inner Mongolia University Master
Nankai University PhD
Specialty of graduate students recruiting: Organic Synthesis;Organometallic Chemistry
Research Field
1. Optoelectronic functional materials: design, synthesis and property studies
2. Design, synthesis and application of organotransition metal catalysts.
3. Synthesis and fluoride anion recognition of redox-active diferrocenyl imidazolium receptors
Representative Publications
1. Wu K. Q., Guo J., Yan J. F., Xie L. L., Xu F. B., Bai S., Nockemann P., Yuan Y. F.
Ruthenium(II) Bis(terpyridine) Electron Transfer Complexes with Alkynyl-Ferrocenyl Bridges: Synthesis, Structures, and Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Studies. Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 11000–11008;
2. Wu K. Q., Guo J., Yan J. F., Xie L. L., Xu F. B., Bai S., Nockemann P., Yuan Y. F. Alkynyl-Bridged Ruthenium(II) 4′-Diferrocenyl-2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridine Electron Transfer Complexes: Synthesis, Structures, and Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Studies. Organometallics, 2011, 30, 3504–3511;
3. Yuan, Y. F., Cardinaels, T., Lunstroot, K., Van Hecke, K., Van Meervelt, L., Goerller-Walrand, C., Binnemans, K., Nockemann, P. Rare-Earth Complexes of Ferrocene-Containing Ligands: Visible-Light Excitable Luminescent Materials. Inorganic Chemistry 2007, 46(13), 5302-5309.
4. Zhuo J.B., Zhang C.Y., Lin C. X., Bai S., Xie, L. L., Yuan Y. F. Acyclic ferrocene-based imidazolium salts as multi-site anion receptors, J. Organomet. Chem., 2014, 763-764, 34- 43.
5. Su Z. M., Ye H. M., Zhu, X. X., Xie L. L., Bai S., Yuan Y. F. A selective anion receptor based on 2,2-diferrocenylpropane imidazolium sulphonate salt, J. Organomet. Chem., 2014, 750, 162-168.
6. Lin C. X., Kong X. F., Li Q. S., Zhang Z. Z., Yuan Y. F., Xu, F. B. Dinuclear Ag(I) metallamacrocycles of bis-N-heterocyclic carbenes bridged by calixarene fragments: synthesis, structure and chemosensing behavior, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15(35), 6948-6962.
7. OuYang H., Gao, Y., Yuan, Y. F. A highly selective rhodamine-based optical–electrochemical multichannel chemosensor for Fe3+, Tetrahedron Letters, 2013, 54, 2964–2966.